I try to run 3 or 4 times a week. Sometimes it's hard (especially if Adam comes with me!), but most of the time I enjoy it once I get out there. I'd like to do this all outside, we have a nice 10k Regents canal route near us,

but there's not always the time so I sometimes just pop to use the treadmill. this is a bit better on my hips and knees too, which I seem to have problems with every now and then.
The photo is towards the end of my run and when I see this bit of the canal it's great to know there's only a few minutes left! Also this is where the Canadian geese tend to hang out in large gangs, have to be careful not to get too close or they will try to bite your ankles off!!
I like reading Runners World for tips on training, shoes, and forums. But it does look a bit dated now. Also with all these new maps and communities mash ups
like mapmyrun , cool Garmin GPS running watches, Nike+ web integrated gizmos etc. I generally use gmaps pedometer as it's simple and does the job. I was quite excited about mapmyrun with all the training plans and social side you can set up, but the map routes themselves didn't seem to save properly last time I tried.
I would have thought Runners World would be thinking about integrating some of this kind of stuff themselves. Hope so!